The Undignified Thoughts of Ang.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Who knows.

Ok so it has been a really long time since i have blogged. Mainly becaue i have been wiht out computer. And well i have not much to say. But tonight while i was out with a friend we began to talk about the different types of friendships that we have. Lets just say there are two main type.
The first is friends of the heart, we all have them, we all have different amonts of them. This is the type of friend that have been in your life forever. So far in my life i Only have one her name is Jodi and her and i have been friends ince like kindergarten. I think that one of the resons that our friendship has lasted is because we have never been in the same cool or anything like that. And no matter how long we go with out talking it is always like picking up where we left off. The reason i say i only have one is mainly the fact that i am only 21 and i am ure there will be a few for that will come into my life.
The Second are friends in passing. This is the kind of friend that my be important to you for a time but then things happen and you drift appart. It is not saying that there is anything wrong with this. It is a fact of life people grow apart. I have had may of these type of ppl in my life. And i am sure there will be many more to come in my life.
But i know that one thing is for sure we need both types in our life. To learn from and to have learn from us. I think it is what God wants for us. To love those in our lives whether for a long or shot time. MAke the most of it live in the moment not in the future. Because really who knows what will happen in the future.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Well i know that i really havent blogged in a while but i am still alive just incase any of you were woundering at all.

So basically here is a quick run down of things going on in my life.
1. I am moving. With 2 of the coolest girls i have met since i have lived out here.
2. I am getting a newish job. I am going to be full time at the lawson store. so no more working seven days a week.
3. Well this one hasn't happend yet but i will soon be 21. I know that it is crazy but i will be legal everywhere. I dont really know what i will do with this new kindda freedom if i do anything at all.

Well that is all
when i move into my new place maybe i will figure out how to put pictures on.

Saturday, March 31, 2007


First Of all before I go any further i would like to put a disclammer to all of my blogs form this date forward. When i blog it is more of a rant about things that are going on in my life or that have happened. I in no way mean to hurt or offend anyone with my comments or thoughts. If i do i am deeply sorry.

So on the the real topic.
SNOBS you say. Why yes that is right.
So let me think. There is one person who has recently come back into my life who is in fact a snob. I am not going to name names or anything of the sort. But i am going to tell you that this person is one. Weather they know it or not it is spreading to those around them as well. I am not going to say that this person is a snob on purpose but they are in fact one.
Then last night me and a few friends got onto the topic of this whole "snob" issue. We decided that it would be a very dull and boring life to live i would personally hate it. I would go crazy hanggin' out with only a select few people and so would many of those i know.
Well i don't really know if i have an actual point to this rant but i feel that it is something that we should all think about and see if we are a snob. Or if we ever have been. To all of those people that I myself have ever been a snob to i am deeply sorry.

God Bless.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


So yesterday evening me and a few of my friends were going out for coffee. As we were leaving my house i cut my foot on glass. How you may ask well i will tell you. I dont really know. All that i really know is that i was wearing sandals i heard a big snap then my foot started to hurt. Then when i looked at it there was blood everywhere. So that really sucked.
The one thing that i do know and that i am asking all of you is that if you see glss on the street be wise. and if you are the ones who trow the glass bottles on the street i am begging you to stop. For one day someones foot may get cut off.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Polka Dots.

So latley it seems that i have no friends. I know that I really do and that i actually have lots. It is just that they are all in school well not all but most are. Now me on the other hand i am not. So here is the deal . Heather and i love hangging out. We love it more when there is a big group. But now it seems to just be us and all the things that we want to do are funner in big groups. Im sure that you all know what i mean. Now i am not saying that it is there fault that they are in school ( well kindda is) what i am basically saying is that i need friends who live in the city that are not in school. So if you know any let me know.

Oh i also like polka dots very much.

Thursday, March 08, 2007



Sunday, February 18, 2007


So but now I am gusseing that most of you all know how this whol tag game thing works. If not you will soon figure out. And if not well I just dont know what you are going to do.

1) Well, first ramdom fact about me that you may not know, is that I am a girl who dosent especially like to eat chocolate. I know that some of you must be in shock, but it is true. Now dont get me wrong I do eat chocolate but not offten. It is not something that I would go out and buy. But on the other hand I love peanut butter and eat it and crave it like most girls do with chocolate.

2)I dont really like to whole idea of a mp3 player/ ipod/ whatever you want to call it! Now dont shoot me for this but really if you think about it, it turns everyone in to robots walking around listening to there music ignoring all those around. Now dont get me wrong, I love music, and if you are on like a run or something I totaly understand them or walking by yourself out side. But think about how rude it is to be walking in a store with your head phones on ignoring the people who are there to help you. I also think that they are just away for to many people to hide.

3)I have recently become awear that I have a lot of friends that have red hair. I dont really know why that it but it is the was that it is. Lindsay, Marian, Allison, Curtis, and Frankie I love you all.

4)I am in fact addicted to my job. Now I know that this sounds odd, but it is true. Almost everyday that I work I find something new that I want to try. My shelf at home is starting to become full of supplements. For those of you who don't know i work at GNC.

5) last but not least I have been trying to finish this post for about a week. I guess that is just shows you how little I could think of about myself.

As fot the people that I am going to tag i will probably have to take about another week to thik about it but no worries i will get it done sometime.