The Undignified Thoughts of Ang.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Missing Old Friends

Well here i am at school once again and i am finally realizing how much i am really going to miss this place. Now i am thinking that i want to move back here. I know i am moving to Toon town but i cant help but think that i really want to stay here. I know that i will have so many fun exciting and random times in Toon but i cant help but think about what if? I mean what if there is that one hot man in camrose? or the perfect job? or a curch group you finally feel appart of? all of the what ifs? i guess that i will just have to think about it.

Now you are probably thinking how did all this come about? Well tonight i hung out with some really awsome people who i have known for a while but am just starting to get to know. i know that i will make new friends and chill with old ones but there is always that question.


Sunday, June 25, 2006

Dude thats Krystals...

Ok so last night we had the red neck olympics. IT was really fun untill well it was all fun but hen we started to play cousin if you love me. So anyway it was all going good untill we got to the time when Kenny tried to get me out. Then it was all down hill all i could think about was the fact that is was Krystals younger brother and the was just wiered. So then PAtti had the great idea to tell me to think about the ugliest guy i know so i did then she said in there underwear. Vomit is what i really wanted to be doing. So i had the thougths of ' dude thats Krystals brother' and a hairy man in underware running around in my head so that really wanst the funnest. Then i really couldn't stop laughing. i was gone.

But unless you know me and these people i guess that you just wont understand.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

what i learned today

Well hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm let me see i um didnt learn anything. YUp all day and it was all redundent. Boring i cant belive that we have more of this. But really i am not going to sit here and be all synical oh and did you see my team and the gong show that it is going to be. NO YES i dont really know but that is all that i have to say for now. i have to go talk to JEn

Saturday, June 17, 2006

I found...

Well so last night i went out with some of Martinas friedns and i met a hot guy! Just thought that i waoul let you know. Not saying that anything will ever happen but it is good to know, that they do actually exsist in BC.

That was only the first thing that i found.

I also found a plain black pair of sandals they are amazing i am so excited about them.

And the last thing that i have found in the last few days here in good old Birtish Columbia is the sun i have missed it so much.

Well that is about al the things that i have found in the last few days.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

I am in Fact a Freak.

Well as i found out today i am a freak.

For starters i dont in fact like people touching my face, and i guess that to so this is weird. I guess that it is okay to have people hands touch your face when you dont know when the last time they washed was, or where there hands have been.

Second of all when i do in fact get a boyfriend i guess that we will just have to cross the bridge when we get to it. I think that that will be our business (JEN CASSY) not yours.

Thirdly leave my feet alone.

That is all.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Jen's Butt

Well today we ( jen Cassy and myself) were shopping at Reitman's when we realized that JEn dose indeed have a but. I know what you are thinking can this be ture? Well i sit here today telling you that it is in fact TRUE. I can hardly belive it myself i am still in recovery mode from it.

Well thats about all Folks