The Undignified Thoughts of Ang.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Well i know that i really havent blogged in a while but i am still alive just incase any of you were woundering at all.

So basically here is a quick run down of things going on in my life.
1. I am moving. With 2 of the coolest girls i have met since i have lived out here.
2. I am getting a newish job. I am going to be full time at the lawson store. so no more working seven days a week.
3. Well this one hasn't happend yet but i will soon be 21. I know that it is crazy but i will be legal everywhere. I dont really know what i will do with this new kindda freedom if i do anything at all.

Well that is all
when i move into my new place maybe i will figure out how to put pictures on.