The Undignified Thoughts of Ang.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

4 things about me.

So I was reading Heathers Blog (my roomate) and she had this on her blog so I thought that i wouls put it on my Blog as well. So here we go.

4 places you have lived?
Stony Plain
St Albert (only 4 a little while in my uncles basement, when i was like 4)

4 TV shows you love to watch?
Gilmore Girls
The Office
Laguna Beach, it makes me laugh they are so lame.
CSI: Anyone of them.

4 Places You have been on vacation?

4 websites you visit simi-daily?
my blog

4 of you favorite foods?
tandori chicken
starbucks(dose that count)
Hot sauce

4 jobs you have had?
Cafe Britt

4 movies you watch over and over again?
Saving Private Ryan
Knights Tale
7 brides for 7 brothers
How to marry a millionair

4 places you would rather be?
At home in Stony Plain with my family
In BC with Martina
Back in South America

Well that is all for now.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Far away.

Do you ever feel that way?

Do you ever want to do the opposite thing then what God wants you to do?

Do you ever feel like you are the only one?

Do you ever feel like you want to give up, pack it all in and go home?

Well to be honest with you all I DO! All the time then God gives me a kick in the but, and i remember why i am not back at home close to my family. I dont think that going into details is nessesary at the present time. God has been faithful to me when I have turned away from him, no matter what I do he still loves me and that is awsome to know. I know that I can always count on him.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Snowing What can you do.

Well to day is another day in the grand old city of Saskatoon. And well a lot has happend since the last time I wrote. Let me think. Ummmmmmmmmmm...

Well now that i think of it not a lot really has happend. I am the same person that i have always been.

But wait there is one thing it is snowing but i guess that really isnt new are exciting.

What can you do i guess.

Monday, November 13, 2006

the New grove of stealing.

Well, So today i was at work and the guy came in with his two kids. It seemed normal enough at first. His kids sat on the massaging chairs and he looked around. Then something odd happened. I heard all this shaking of pills so i thought that he mad need some help so i asked him. He of course asked me some lame question about a price but seemed super shifty about it all. As soon as he left i noticed that a box of Multi-Vitamins were missing.
I couldnt believe it this guy stole stuff while his kids were there. All i have to say is what a great role modle.
"So dad what are we going to do today?"
"Well kids i am going to teach you the art of stealing!"
Get a life buddy! And dont be an idiot.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Damn Computers

So well to day i was going to try to be all smartand add links to my blog buti really couldnt figure it out. I have to be the stupidest person when it comes to computers. But enought about that. Nothing really has happend to me in the last little while but if something dose happen i will for sure let you know.