The Undignified Thoughts of Ang.

Monday, November 13, 2006

the New grove of stealing.

Well, So today i was at work and the guy came in with his two kids. It seemed normal enough at first. His kids sat on the massaging chairs and he looked around. Then something odd happened. I heard all this shaking of pills so i thought that he mad need some help so i asked him. He of course asked me some lame question about a price but seemed super shifty about it all. As soon as he left i noticed that a box of Multi-Vitamins were missing.
I couldnt believe it this guy stole stuff while his kids were there. All i have to say is what a great role modle.
"So dad what are we going to do today?"
"Well kids i am going to teach you the art of stealing!"
Get a life buddy! And dont be an idiot.


  • At 10:59 PM, Blogger Andrew Sorenson said…

    Yeah, teaching your kids to steal is something you do when they're teenagers.... and why not steal something cool? like a....pickup truck? or a gyro those are cool.


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