The Undignified Thoughts of Ang.

Friday, December 29, 2006


Ok, so i am sure that you are all thinking that i ma going to talk about how lonley life is with out a man, becasue that is usually what people think about when thay hear that word. But today i am going to talk about something was different.
But first there is something that i need to explain i am what you would call a people preson, i do not do well being alone. I like to be with people and hang out, have fun.
So this brings me to my next point. I got home on thursday. Christmas was good. Anyway that is not the point so i am back in toon town but i am like the only one. NO one is here and if they are then they are working. And now i have 3 days off in a row, and no one to play with no one to do random and crazy things. And the worst part, no New Years plans. I know it is sad really. But dont cry for me because i am strong. But some one may want to check on me in a couple of days to make sure i have not gone mad.

Thursday, December 21, 2006


Well the title should really be district managers. But that is okay. So at wrok this week our distric manager is in from Calgary. You think that he would be a nice plesant man who would at least talk to the employees a little bit ask them how they are doing and such but really who kows right? Well our D.M is a jerk he did not say two word to me the only work he said was fine. That is all i asked how he was doing nd introduced my self and all he could say was fine.
All i have to say is worst D.M ever.

Monday, December 18, 2006


Well here is the deal on friday i had the great idea of going Christmas shopping good idea, or so i thought. Here is the only down side i ended up spending more money on myself then on others. So that was really lame. But finally at about 8pm i got it all done. Oh did i mention that i had at this point been in the mall for 11hrs. That really sucks.
So this morning i thought that i would check if the present that i bought my brother-in-law a really cool shoot glass chess set, if it would fit in my suit case. Guess what it didnt. So i had to take it back now i am at a loss as what to get him??????
Life sucks when that happens.
Well that is all for now.