Well the title should really be district managers. But that is okay. So at wrok this week our distric manager is in from Calgary. You think that he would be a nice plesant man who would at least talk to the employees a little bit ask them how they are doing and such but really who kows right? Well our D.M is a jerk he did not say two word to me the only work he said was fine. That is all i asked how he was doing nd introduced my self and all he could say was fine.
All i have to say is worst D.M ever.
All i have to say is worst D.M ever.
At 9:56 PM, Cassy said…
Some people came from the ABC head office the other week wearing cheesy santa hats and bearing a basket full of goodies forthe staff. They insisted on snapping a photo with us employees by the christmas tree... too bad I was helping a customer pay for his meal at the time. From what I can tell, we (as ABC employees.... m boss included) dont like head office very much. I am personally undedcided.
At 8:16 PM, Heather said…
what a lame-o. let's take that jerk down!
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